F*ck What People Think (ft Nova Xera, a Middle Eastern Trans Woman)

Season #1 Episode #4

Nova Xera, a Chaldean trans woman and Rita Pira, an Assyrian cis woman trade some really raw and real stories about their childhood, relationships, and life experiences that all women, ethnicities, and backgrounds can relate to. 

This conversation was the first time they met! Tune in to lose your mind over how much they have in common, the ridiculous banter between these two strangers, and the profound learning and teachable moments in this unbelievable episode. 

Nova's YouTube Channel - Amazing Drag Performance Included!

Read Nova's Short Story "A Rose-Colored Boy" mentioned in the episode!

Follow Nova Xera on Instagram: @novaxera

Follow Rita Pira on Instagram: @rawveganrita

Follow the Podcast: @tradingrawstories

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