a Live 10 Week Program designed to completely redefine and redesign your reality.

I Want to Be One of the 15 Founding Members!

This came to you for a reason.


Maybe you're going through a challenging time in your life in all areas and it's been a rough year.


You've done a lot of work so you know it's all happening for you not to you, but you're finding yourself in a victim mentality.


You might be in a relationship or a job that is causing you stress and dis-ease and you're in a spiral cycle of loop thought patterns that bring up past wounds that you thought you healed.


Perhaps you're feeling like you're not good enough or worthy, and you're craving sisterhood in a community of like minded women so you can feel safe to be seen for all that you are.


You want to step out of your comfort zone to serve and lead a community of your own and you're ready to let go of what is holding you back and realign to your soul's true nature and purpose.


You *know* you’re here for more and you are ready to claim it and you want to overcome all the fears that are blocking you from love, joy, abundance, and prosperity.

 No more wondering "what if..."
You are going to be a confident, courageous, authentic, magnetic, powerhouse of a feminine woman that has discernment, loves herself deeply, and shows up in this world intentionally and with integrity. 
The world needs the medicine your soul is here to share.


Nothing will change unless you do something about it…

THIS is that something.


Are You Carrying Emotional Weight?

Take my mini assessment to find out!👇🏽

1. Do you have issues with loved ones that *weighs* heavy on you?

2. Do you feel stuck & don’t know which way to go or what to do in a relationship or about somthing going on?

3. Do you overwork yourself & sacrifice everything for everyone and never have time or physical space just for you?

4. Do you consider yourself a people pleaser?

5. Do you worry about what people think and make decisions based on what you "should do"? 

6. Do you feel anxious before making decisions where you find yourself playing out all the possible scenarios driving yourself crazy wondering  "what if" ?

if you answered YES to any of the above, you would benefit tremendously from this program.


My recent client, Grace, was one of the most conscious and self-aware clients I'd ever had and in our first session together, I uncovered things that shifted her perspective and how she showed up at work, in relationships, and in life in general. Because we discovered the "emotional weight" she was carrying, once we "ritafined it", she released 20+ pounds in the first month, and released over 40 lbs total in a little over 2 months!

We “RITAFINED” her perspective in different areas of her life which led to healing her relationships with both of her parents, creating a sanctuary at home, designing a healthy work/life balance which has created so much space in her life for travel, activities with friends, and self-love & self-care practices. She’s now in love w/life!

She’s also coming to my retreat in Bali in November! Most of the women from this group will be attending so we can connect in person and integrate and elevate together.

Update! We have already reached our 15 Founding Members for this launch but we are extending this incubator (and my retreat) to 20 women!

so hurry up and claim one of the last few spots!

Claim My Spot!

This life transformation happens through my RR METHOD (Ritafine Reality Method) where we shift perspectives, beliefs, and stories to release stuck emotions from the past that are stored in the body (manifested in the physical form as weight and pain) by flipping perspectives of what happened & creating peace and harmony in the body for energy to flow (the weight just melts away), and then we realign & redesign your life!

Massive shifts begin to happen during our FIRST CONVERSATION. 

Pay in Full


4 Monthly Payments of $278

Ritafine Reality Academy Beta Launch + Two Monthly 1:1 Sessions (Payment Plan)